Some Samples From Our Portfolio...

national Event Strategy

Advised a national financial services institution to create an innovative event strategy to help cultivate high-net-worth clients. We assured project consistency, brand alignment and supported marketing goals with vetted national speakers and event consultation. In the past two years’ time, SSA worked with 35 markets to roll out 75 events and provided our clients' employees valuable face-to-face time with attendees.  

speaker sourcing

Successfully paired national speakers with audiences:

  • An internationally recognized wildlife photojournalist presented to trustees and donors of a major regional zoo
  • An award-winning cookbook author and food commentator shared "Secrets of the Chefs" with wealth management clients
  • A renowned family philanthropy consultant conducted a workshop with trustees and donors of a Jewish Community Center
  • The Executive Editor of a leading sports publication presented unique statistical relationships in sports to corporate clients

co-branded marketing event

Produced an event series focused on the value of philanthropy co-hosted by corporate and nonprofit partners. These events brought together corporate clients and charitable donors to learn from renowned experts in the field of family legacy and giving.

unique charitable event

Created “Purse Strings,” a unique charitable event package, pairing corporate, nonprofit, and retail partners promoting women’s networking and relationship cultivation.

"Work the Room" training

Conducted multiple training sessions for corporate managers on maximizing their capabilities to advance relationships with prospects at business development events.