Our expertise is in building mutually beneficial partnerships between corporations and nonprofit organizations. We believe these sponsorships provide all partners with dynamic opportunities for mission and brand alignment, and are a unique, under-utilized method to reach marketing objectives.   

Sandra Solomon Associates has the rare ability to pair corporate brands with partners who provide visibility, opportunity, and growth on both sides of the working relationship.
— Patrick Moore, Managing Director, The Andy Warhol Museum

corporate clients

We work with corporate and foundation clients to:

  • Generate a sponsorship mission that aligns with your business values
  • Determine branding and customer cultivation objectives that will meet your marketing and philanthropic goals
  • Evaluate prospective cultural and community partners and proposals
  • Facilitate a measurement study of sponsorship effectiveness
  • Build the sponsored partnership for ongoing mutual succes

nonprofit clients

    We work with cultural and community organizations to:

    • Evaluate your organizational advantages which would fulfill a corporate partner’s marketing objectives, including:
      • your values and mission as branding assets 
      • your visitor and donor demographics as marketing assets
      • your venue sites and upcoming exhibits as event assets
    • Conduct training for regional cultural councils and other arts membership associations on optimizing corporate sponsorship development
    • Conduct training for board members to foster their role as catalysts for developing corporate partnerships
    • Interview current and former corporate donors to gather valuable feedback
    • Identify prospective corporate partners
    • Develop a customized benefits package that will best meet a corporation’s business and marketing goals
    • Select an approach for soliciting a prospective corporate sponsor
    • Source new donors and members through corporate relationships
    • Grow existing sponsorship relationships for mutual success